Thursday 27 December 2018

Five Hot Tips to Maintaining Your Equestrian Arena Surfaces

It is a dream for every horse owner to have his own equestrian arena. Most of the horse owners build their equestrian arena however after spending mega bucks in making it; the bigger concern that comes into the picture is to maintain the arena. Most of the equestrian arena owners overlook this point often and it is quite surprising that people do not consider this point. However, it is really an important one to keep the horse arena surfaces and its footing at the perfect level of performance even during the daily activities.

If the horse arena surfaces are not kept perfectly or there is any defect in the area like drag or watering system, it is a dangerous situation where your equestrian arena can have issues like shortened lifespan. If the horse arena surfaces of the equestrian arena are not maintained in a good way on regular basis, you can get into troubles like facing very costly repairs or unnecessary as well as pricey veterinary bills. If you spend some time in regular maintenance of the horse arena surfaces you will have to spend significantly less amount on having the costly repairs in the long run and the surface will last for a longer time.

Moreover a well-maintained equestrian arena offers great comfort and performance to your horse and they give the best performance during the training sessions. The great horse arena surfaces offer ample cushion to the horse and it gives great traction in order to offer a consistent surface. The ongoing maintenance of horse arena surfaces offers better consistency. The horse arena surfaces require maintenance that must cover the various areas including the size of the riding arena, the material with which the footing is made up of, the weather conditions, usage of the equestrian arena on per day basis, number of horses practicing on the arena and discipline.

If you have just started practicing on your newly built equestrian arena there are few important things that you must keep in your mind in order to get the best facilities for your horse and to make the life of the equestrian arena long. Follow the below-mentioned tips and enjoy practicing on the equestrian arena with comfort. Scroll down to check out the top five hot tips to maintaining your equestrian arena surfaces:
  • The first thing that you must do while maintaining your equestrian arena surfaces is to take the jumps out of the ring and then give it the well deserved grooming so that it works perfectly. Cleaning it quite often gives the chance to keep it free from the dust and other aberrations. By grooming the equestrian arena surfaces you make it clean and add life to it. Make sure to groom each and every inch of the surface area of the equestrian. Also, you must reset the course and make it unlike it was previously. Even the slight differences add up in the life of the surface because if the sharp turns are made to repeat on the same surface, it may get uneven.

  • Make sure to regularly water the footing of your equestrian arena surfaces. By watering the surface of the footing in your equestrian arena surfaces, you give it a chance to be a better place for your horses because with the help of moisture the equestrian sand blends and when water is given on regular basis it adds to the life of the arena surface. If the surface is kept dry and you don’t water it regularly, you can break the footing and you will have to ride through dust of the equestrian sand. This is something that you will find unpleasant.

  • The third important tip to keep your equestrian arena surfaces well-maintained is to do a lot of grooming. You must make yourself proficient in grooming the surface. You must learn how to pull the harrow with the help of a tractor. Most probably there will be a three-point hitch, be sure to keep it in level. For that you can lift it up and drag it up till 4” to 5” above the level of the ground in order to check if the hitch is even and smooth. If you find any uneven surface, you must check and adjust it so that everything falls in its place and you get the joy of making big circles on the equestrian sand.

  • The fourth thing to consider while maintaining your arena is to have a consultation with the professional regarding the maintenance of the riding arena size. This is important because you must understand about the drags that can be useful and necessary for the arena. There are many good brands which offer the perfect solutions. This is one thing that depends upon the riding arena size and the utility vehicle and even a small drag that works with foot can be perfect for the riding arena size of the equestrian sand footing. You can get better understanding and knowledge of this by having a consultation with the people who are experienced in the field or if you have any recommendations from friends or family expert in equestrian sand footing.

  • Last but not the least; you must keep your equestrian sand footing clean. The most important reason why the equestrian sand footing gets bad is the manure. It causes dust when it is dry and on getting wet, it gives the slick spots. It is bad for the life of your equestrian arena surfaces and you must avoid it.   

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